This week was our annual Montana Association of Registered Land Surveyors conference. This year it was held in Butte America. The photo above is of all the individuals who were voted in to be board members for the organization. The three good looking guys on the right side the picture are all Flathead Valley surveyors who were voted onto the board. From right to left we have yours truly, Josh Nelson -MARLS President Elect, Josh Lenderman of River Design Group who was voted the MARLS Northwest Chapter President, and Stew Willis of SJW Land Surveying who is one of two MARLS West-Fed Delegates. Way to step up and represent boys!
Josh Nelson, PLS
Jamie Reed, PLS
Eric Mulcahy, AICP
Donna Valade, AICP & CFM
Hannah Head
Laurie Eckert
LeAnn Bare
Jesse Ross, PLS
Lash Green
Jerry Frank
Steven Balkenbush
Will Dodson